/ / / #1 Toolkit

#1 Toolkit logo #1 Toolkit and Flamory

Flamory provides the following integration abilities:

  • Create and use window snapshots for #1 Toolkit
  • Take and edit #1 Toolkit screenshots
  • Automatically copy selected text from #1 Toolkit and save it to Flamory history

To automate your day-to-day #1 Toolkit tasks, use the Nekton automation platform. Describe your workflow in plain language, and get it automated using AI.

Screenshot editing

Flamory helps you capture and store screenshots from #1 Toolkit by pressing a single hotkey. It will be saved to a history, so you can continue doing your tasks without interruptions. Later, you can edit the screenshot: crop, resize, add labels and highlights. After that, you can paste the screenshot into any other document or e-mail message.

Here is how #1 Toolkit snapshot can look like. Get Flamory and try this on your computer.

#1 Toolkit - Flamory bookmarks and screenshots

Application info

#1 Toolkit is a complete package of 5 app sets. It includes 5 Pro sets for a total of 16 tools. In a word,All-in-One.

Set 1: Ruler, Compass, Protractor, Level

Set 2: Flashlight, Mirror, Magnifier, One Tap

Set 3: Unit Converter, Currencies

Set 4: Noise meter, Recorder

Set 5: Timer, Stop Watch, World Clock, Speed Meter

- Update 15/10/2014

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#1 Toolkit is also known as 1 Toolkit. Integration level may vary depending on the application version and other factors. Make sure that user are using recent version of #1 Toolkit. Please contact us if you have different integration experience.